Green Renovation: Sustainable Solutions to Climate Challenges

The construction sector plays a crucial role in tackling climate challenges. In doing so, we see an important shift in strategy emerging: renovation is increasingly preferred to new construction. In this article, we discuss why green renovation is important for urban climate adaptation.
Ecological renovation? Check out the 7 best renovation projects with greenery here!
Are you looking for a sustainable and green solution for your renovation project? Then consider a green facelift with a green roof or green facade from Sempergreen! In this article, we take a look at the 7 most beautiful ecologically renovated projects with a green roof or living wall.
Increase building value with green renovation
Renovating with greenery gives every building its unique identity. Moreover, it increases value on several levels. In this article, we explain what increase in value you can expect with green renovation and tell how green buildings become a lot more attractive not only aesthetically but also financially.
The five most remarkable benefits of green renovation
Green renovation is not just good for nature but also offers numerous benefits for all parties involved. From the architect to the contractor, from the roofer to the end user, everyone benefits from green renovation. Read the five most striking benefits in this article.
A building bursting with life!
A grey roof or grey façade is not only a canvas for beautiful greenery but thus also a basis for a world full of life! Utrecht University investigated life in our living walls. What that research revealed exceeded our greenest expectations!
Sustainable renovation with nature as a muse
Renovation is sustainable by itself but a green roof or green façade can make the renovation so much more sustainable. Not just the view but also the energy bill will improve big time. How that works? Read our article on sustainable reno with nature as a muse.
Acoustic test of SemperGreenwall Indoor gives positive result
Sempergreen’s green wall system for indoor applications has recently been tested for its acoustic performance.
The test showed that a SemperGreenwall Indoor makes an important contribution to reducing ambient noise in an indoor space.