
Healthy plants for
a long-lasting result

Sempergreen’s Cradle to Cradle certified green wall systems have been developed to optimise plant health and quality. The use of Flexipanels gives the plants plenty of room to grow, ensuring good root formation and strong, healthy plants for a long-lasting vertical garden. Naturally, a green wall also needs maintenance.

Periodic maintenance
of your SemperGreenwall

Periodic maintenance is essential to keep your SemperGreenwall looking great all year round. The maintenance consists of several maintenance visits, which include caring for the plants and the checking and testing of the Plant Care System. The gutter and drains are checked during each maintenance visit, and visual inspections are carried out periodically to examine the condition of the plant wall and map out the actions required for the next maintenance visit. The irrigation system is also serviced and nutrients are topped up regularly. The outdoor green wall irrigation programme is adapted to the different seasons.

Onderhoud aan een SemperGreenwall Outdoor
Irrigatiesysteem SemperGreenwall

Plant Care System

The Plant Care System is the beating heart of a SemperGreenwall. This smart irrigation system provides the plants with the water and nutrients they need. The online system allows round-the-clock, remote monitoring of your SemperGreenwall. The system can be adjusted immediately if anomalies in the humidity values are detected. The irrigation programme for a SemperGreenwall Outdoor is tailored to the local climate and the different seasons to keep it looking amazing all year round.

Choose from different
maintenance contracts

Sempergreen offers a range of maintenance contracts tailored to your specific SemperGreenwall. Maintenance is carried out by a team from Sempergreen or a local service partner.

We are happy to advise you on the correct maintenance plan for your green wall.

Busje onderhoud SemperGreenwall
