Another year has passed. You blink twice and before you know it, four more seasons have passed and all sorts of things have happened. Fortunately, a SemperGreenwall is not so changeable, but a constant, green presence you can rely on. A SemperGreenwall stays beautiful all year round, every year. It is a natural product though, so your SemperGreenwall Outdoor will look different every season. And because seasons are different everywhere, the plant species of our green walls differ depending on location and climate zone. The orientation of the facade is also taken into account, because livings walls facing north get less sunlight. Nevertheless, what is it like to experience a SemperGreenwall all year round?
Winter – the evergreen effect
A SemperGreenwall can be installed throughout the whole year, even in winter. Our green products stay truly green all year round. For our outdoor green facades, our experts make a selection of hardy plants that thrive in your region. Depending on the plant design, there will be some species that do lose their leaves during this dark and cold period. These are plants that bloom beautifully in spring, have a wonderful smell, or have some other benefit to the whole. The lack of leaves of those plants is amply compensated by the evergreen plants growing around them. How is it that the plants remain beautiful all year round? Besides the superb plant assortment, this is also due to our Plant Care System.
Read more about this subject in “How does a living wall survive in winter?”
Spring and summer – a biodiversity boost
Every year, we thoroughly enjoy the vertical garden at Sempergreen headquarters. In spring and summer, the green facade is full of birds such as greenfinches, goldfinches and even an occasional kestrel! These birds also really enjoy building their nests in the facade. A SemperGreenwall is actually a kind of apartment building for birds. During hot summer days, you can also hear the cheerful hum of bumblebees and other insects enjoying the nectar offered to them by the extensively flowering living wall. Would you like to give your neighbourhood a biodiversity boost and enjoy the benefits yourself? Then install a green facade on your office building!
Fall – time for maintenance
You’ll see them come by every autumn, the maintenance specialists who make sure your green facade is healthy and well through the winter. On average twice a year, in spring (major service) and in autumn (minor service), the facade is thoroughly inspected. Plants are then pruned and any weak or spent greenery replaced with new plants. In addition, the gutter and drains are checked and cleared of leaves and other debris. You will see, after the maintenance, the facade is as good as new again!
"Unlike an Indoor SemperGreenwall, the outdoor green facade colours with the seasons. Whereas an indoor green facade can count on stable temperatures and light intensity all year round, an outdoor green wall has to deal with changes in temperature, wind speed and light. There are also differences between them because each facade is different in terms of location, climate and the type of plants chosen. So the needed maintenance can vary from one facade to another. I therefore advise our customers to choose a maintenance package that best suits their particular SemperGreenwall."
Adrianne Verbeek, Planning & Maintenance at Sempergreen
"At SemperGreenwall, you can choose from 5 standard outdoor ranges. In these, a mix of about 20 plants is used. These are then tailored to different orientations. Planting according to your own wishes is also possible. That is why maintenance specialists must have extensive plant knowledge and technical insight to be able to carry out good maintenance - and of course not be afraid of heights!"
Peter van Klaveren, Maintenance Specialist at Sempergreen
More information
Would you also like to enjoy an evergreen facade and all its benefits, or would you like to request a maintenance package for your SemperGreenwall? Get in touch with our specialists.
Photo credits: Sempergreen