Brewery Kuchlbauer

Climate-neutral construction is what many building projects are striving for these days. But for white beer brewer Kuchlbauer in Abensberg, Germany, this was not enough. With the construction of their new logistics centre, this family-run business wanted to create a hall that is climate-positive. Climate-positive means that the distribution centre must compensate for more CO2 than they produce themselves. To achieve this, 50% of the logistics centre’s facade is clad in wood, a renewable resource. The other 50% of the façade is fitted with a SemperGreenwall Outdoor. This living wall covers a huge area of no less than 480m2. The green wall has a climate-positive effect on and contributes to biodiversity and climate protection.

Jacob Horsch, 9th generation brewery owner: "With 'Kuchlbauers Weissbier-Quartier+', we wanted to build a climate-positive logistics centre that is socially, ecologically and economically sustainable. Climate-positive means that our logistics centre should offset more CO2 than it produces."

A green working and living environment for employees and the region

As the largest employer in the region, brewery Kuchlbauer has an important regional function. Therefore, they attach great importance to building and working in harmony with nature. In this way, they want to create added value for their employees and make an active contribution to climate protection in the region. Kuchlbauer therefore opted for sustainable construction methods and careful use of resources. The SemperGreenwall on the outside of the logistics centre creates a positive social environment, in which employees feel comfortable and eager to work. Not only does this strengthen their brand in the long term, but it also continues to profile them as an attractive employer in the region.   

A green building envelope with many climate benefits

Protecting local biodiversity was one of the main drivers for Kuchlbauer to provide the logistics hall with a large green facade. The greenery creates a valuable habitat for various animal species. But in addition, the SemperGreenwall offers many other benefits. The numerous plants capture fine dust and absorb CO2. So they not only purify the air, but also make an important contribution to the fight against climate change. Moreover, all those plants create a green shell around the building. This cools the hall naturally, reducing energy consumption and creating a pleasant working atmosphere. In addition to the green facade, a large green roof has been installed on the logistics hall. This makes the building green and sustainable all round. 

Pre-planted in the Sempergreen greenhouse

The living wall is pregrown in Sempergreen’s greenhouse. Watch a video of the growing process of the green facade for Weisbier-Quartier+ here.

Jacob Horsch, brewery owner: "It is our responsibility towards the community and the region to act sustainably."

Family brewery: for more than 100 years

The ‘Kuchlbauer’ has one of the oldest brewing rights in the world. As early as 1300, the brewery’s parent company in Abensberg received brewing rights from the Count of Abensberg. The family bought the brewery ‘Zum Kuchlbauer’ in 1903. The brewery has carried its name since 1751: the then owner supplied food to the Bishop of Regensburg. To this day, the brewery is firmly in the hands of the 9th generation of the family and hospitality is still close to their hearts.

Copyright: Brauerei zum Kuchlbauer GmbH & Co. KG

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